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Bulletin of biotechnology

scientific journal

Effect of the drug "Sufferrovit" on the restoration of physical activity of service dogs

УДК 636.74.043:636.087.73:591.05


Bassauer G. M.

Summary The action of paratypical (including technogenic) factors gives an additional load on the body of service dogs, causing the risk of functional overload of metabolism. The use of prolonged iron preparations for service dogs with high physical activity will increase redox processes in the body with the formation of the required amount of energy. The study of the effectiveness of the use of the drug "Suiferrovit" was carried out on 16 service dogs, the breed of the German Shepherd, prepared in the direction of use of the general search profile, the age of animals is from 2 to 5 years. Impaired metabolism in service dogs was characterized by a decrease in the number of red blood cells, hemoglobin levels, both in red blood cells and in one red blood cell, an increase in the average volume of red blood cells, as well as low iron levels. After the treatment, the number of red blood cells between studies in experimental dogs increased by 10%, and relative to the control group by 8.22% (P < 0.05), the hemoglobin level between studies increased by 7.2%, and relative to the control group animals by 8.2%. By the end of the experiment, the experimental animals had a significant increase in the mean hemoglobin concentration in the red blood cell mass of 8.2% (P < 0.05), and in one red blood cell there was a tendency to increase by 9.8% in relation to the control group. A decrease in mean red blood cell volume in experimental dogs compared to control analogs and first blood study results occurred by 4.16% and 4.85%, respectively. The iron content in the serum of dogs of the experimental group increased significantly both between studies by 34.5% (P < 0.01) and between groups by 22.8% (P < 0.05). The results of the study of physical and working qualities in service dogs showed an improvement in the indicators of the experienced group of dogs when performing the "work on the trail" reception. The time of performing the "search of the area" reception by dogs receiving treatment was significantly less by 19.7% (P < 0.05), the time spent on performing a similar reception in the same conditions by dogs of the control group. Thus, the use of the drug "Suiferrovit" in case of violation of homeostasis in service dogs ensures the restoration of the main exchange indicators and increases the physical activity of service dogs.

Key words: service dogs, physical activity, metabolism, iron, red blood cells, hemoglobin, energy

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