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Bulletin of biotechnology

scientific journal

Antioxidant activity study red currant berries

УДК 634. 72


Tiunov V. M.,

Chebotok E. M.

Summary This article studied the fruits of red currants, represented by the following varieties: "Iota," "Kapitalina," "Ilyinka," "Lights of the Urals," "Epsilon," "Radiant," "Beta," "Scarlet Zorka," "Zeta," selection of YUUNIISK, located in the collection of the Sverdlovsk selection station gardening FGBNU UrFANITS UrO RAS. The authors found that the highest tasting assessment of berries is distinguished by varieties of early and mid-early maturation, on average - 4.9 points. The largest berries in the varieties "Kapitalina," "Iota," "Ilyinka," "Beta," average weight 0.8-0.9 g, maximum up to 1.8 g. The varieties "Ilyinka," "Zeta," "Lights of the Urals" have a sweet and sour taste. Dessert taste in the varieties "Epsilon," "Iota," "Beta," "Kapitalina," "Radiant," "Scarlet Zorka." A comparative analysis of antioxidant indicators of red currant berries for 2021 and 2022 was carried out. It was found that in most red currant varieties, the level of antioxidant activity decreased in 2022. But, the highest level of general antioxidant activity was also found in the varieties "Radiant" - 11.777 and "Epsilon" - 11.518 mmol/l × eq. A group of red currant varieties "Scarlet Dawn" - 9.889, "Beta" - 9.124, "Ilyinka" - 9.145 mmol/l × eq. It has been found that red currant berries can act as sources of natural biologically active compounds and a food component capable of improving the consumer properties of culinary products.

Key words: fruit and berry raw materials, red currants, nutrition, antioxidant activity

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