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Bulletin of biotechnology

scientific journal

Gastrointestinal nematodoses cause of microflora contamination and accelerated timing of sheep meat spoilage

УДК 637.5.072


Abramyan V. V., Grigoryan L. G., Kazaryan A. S.

Summary Improving the standard of living of the population requires accelerating the rate of increase in the production of high-quality food, especially meat, which in its nutritional properties most fully meets the biological needs of the human body. In meat production, one of the main industries is sheep farming. Both in the world market and among consumers of our republic, lamb is in great demand, is a high-calorie product and is endowed with specific taste qualities. However, in the problem of increasing lamb production, there are a number of difficulties, one of which is the infection of sheep with various invasive diseases, in particular digestive nematodes, which cause huge economic damage. It consists of losses from the case of sick animals, forced slaughter, a decrease in the quality and quantity of slaughter products, as well as the organization of medical and preventive measures and financial costs. In case of sanitary assessment and veterinary and sanitary examination of sheep slaughter products affected by gastrointestinal nematodoses, it is desirable in some cases to conduct a bacteriological study.

Key words: sheep breeding, nematodoses, incineration, microflora, veterinary sanitary examination.

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