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Bulletin of biotechnology

scientific journal

Some aspects of the application of artificial intelligence systems in precision animal husbandry

УДК 637.112


Skvortsov E. A., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Ural State University of Economics (Yekaterinburg, ul. 8 Marta, 62)

Skvortsova E. G., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Ural State Agrarian University (Yekaterinburg, Karl Liebknecht str., 42)

Summary Precision animal husbandry is the management of livestock using process design principles and technologies. The key to precision animal husbandry is the careful monitoring of a variety of parameters, including animal measurements and body weight, productivity (eg milk yield, egg production), diseases, animal behavior and microclimate parameters.

Key words: digital transformation, artificial intelligence technologies, precision animal husbandry, agriculture.

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