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Bulletin of biotechnology

scientific journal

The results of the evaluation of sires by the quality of the offspring

УДК 636.084.523:636.087.72


Neverova O. P.

Gorelik O. V.

Kharlap S. Yu.

Gorelik A. S.

Ural State Agrarian University

Ural Institute of GPS of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia

Summary. Animals with a blood content of more than 75% according to the Holstein breed belong to the Holstein breed. As it was said, the widespread use of Holstein bulls of various breeding species continues and their assessment of the quality of offspring is of great practical importance for increasing the breeding value of modern dairy cattle. The purpose of the work is to assess the cows-daughters of bull-producers of different breeding according to their economic and useful qualities. Compared to peers, the daughters of the Bourbon bull had a yield of 323 kg less than their peers. This is 3.3% of the impact of peers, that is, in this case, this bull showed itself to be a worsen. The bull Altablumberg turned out to be neutral, the daughters of the bulls Norton and Liesborne had a higher yield than their peers. When assessing producer bulls by the quality of offspring by comparison with peers, it was found that according to MJ in milk, Altablumberg and Norton producer bulls are enhancers, Lisborn producer bull is neutral, and Bourbon producer bull is a aggravator. According to the method of comparing the productivity of daughters with mothers, only the daughters of the Norton bull had a positive difference, which was slightly higher than the average for the herd - 33 kg or 0.3%. According to MJ, there were two such bulls in milk - the Altablumberg and Norton bulls, whose daughters had higher MJ rates in cow milk by 0.05 and 0.02%, respectively. Daughters from other bulls (Bourbon and Lisborn bulls) had negative indicators in comparison with the average for the herd of first calves. According to the MJ, the Bourbon bull turned out to be an improver in milk.

Key words: cattle, oxen-producers, daughters, mothers, peers, average on herd, assessment

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