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Bulletin of biotechnology

scientific journal

Varieties of environmental crises

УДК: 504: 574


Lopaeva N. L.

Ural State Agrarian University

Summary. In order to preserve a person's own habitat, it is necessary to take many unprecedented measures in relation to the environment. First of all, it is to change attitudes to nature itself, to the consumption of exhaustible resources, to the release of harmful substances into the Atmosphere. In the article I will consider the problems of modern society's way out of the ecological crisis. Sometimes humanity begins to think that it is independent of nature and its laws. That a person can subjugate nature, and any act of his will remain unpunished. But a person cannot take and live outside of natural laws, constantly destroying its resources, and not giving anything in return. The more a person takes on himself, the more he spends a natural resource, polluting the soil, air, reservoirs, producing huge amounts of plastic and destroying rare species of plants and animals, the more he drives himself into a trap, provoking various cataclysms and initiating environmental crises.

Keywords: environmental crisis, environment, global environmental issues.

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