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Bulletin of biotechnology

scientific journal

Cultural history, botanical characteristics and biological features of broccoli cabbage

УДК 635-154. 5. 6


Karpukhin M. Y.

Guskova V. V.

Ural State Agrarian University

Department of the Rosselkhoznadzor Administration for the Sverdlovsk Region

Summary. This article discusses the distribution of broccoli cabbage. During the writing of the article, the biological features of broccoli cabbage were studied. The agricultural technology of growing in open ground has been studied. In addition, a brief description of some of its varieties is given. As a result of the writing of the article, it was revealed that broccoli has many useful properties and contains many vitamins, are necessary for human health.

Keywords: broccoli cabbage, history of origin, cabbage family, botanical description, growing conditions, storage, varieties, pests, diseases, useful properties.

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