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Bulletin of biotechnology

scientific journal

Ensuring the health and longevity of cows through improved quality of volume feed

УДК 636/639


E.G. Skvortsova

Ural State Agrarian University (Yekaterinburg, Karl Liebknecht str. 42)

Annotation The article provides an analysis of the quality and composition of voluminous feed. The study was conducted at one of the agricultural enterprises of the Sverdlovsk region. The rations were analyzed, the results of the analysis of voluminous feeds for the content of metabolic energy, recommendations were given. The first quality class has 4838 tons (51.4%) of voluminous feed, in which the content of exchangeable energy in dry matter is within the normal range. However, 4562 tons (48.6%) of feed is of poor quality. Thus, voluminous feed of own production provides animals with insufficient energy. The main reserve for maintaining health, increasing productivity and increasing the productive longevity of cows is the use of high quality voluminous feed in the diets, with an exchangeable energy content of up to 10.5 - 11.0 MJ per 1 kg of dry matter.

Key words: cattle, feeding, voluminous feed, metabolic energy

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