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Bulletin of biotechnology

scientific journal

Impact of introduction of chicken droppings into sod-podzolic soil on NPK and nitrate content in feed crop grains and rapeseed oil in Upper Volga Region



Shchukin N. N.,

Okorkov V. V.,

Okorkova L. A.

Summary In the Yaroslavl region on sod-podzolic soil in 2021. studies were conducted on the effect of the action and consequences of biologized chicken droppings (OPF, droppings) at a dose of 120 t/ha on the content of NPK and nitrates in grain varieties of grain crops (wheat and triticale of spring, barley, film and holozero oats, sown peas) and rapeseed oil seeds. Compared to the control (without fertilizers), the action and aftereffect of the OPF contributed to an increase in nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content, which changed the ratio of NPK in the grain: from 3.4: 1.7: 1 in the control to 4.1: 1.9: 1 in the effect of the litter and 5.3: 2.4: 1 in its aftereffect. From the action to the effect of the litter, the content of potassium in the grain decreased. The content of crude protein (SP) in wheat increased under the influence of the action (up to 16.4%), but especially - the consequences of the OPF (up to 18.9%). The content of JV was rape (22.2%) by the effect of litter, as well as sown peas (20.8-21.9%) and holozero oats (19.4-19.5%) - by its subsequent effect. The high content of JV by the effect of the litter was characterized by wheat varieties Lyubava (19.8%) and Ladya (18.6%), according to its subsequent effect - peas Nemchinovsky-100 (21.9%), golozerny oats Azil (19.5%), spring wheat Zlata (18.9%) and Vitaly (18.8%). Triticale, barley and film oats were distinguished by a reduced content of SP. Among them, varieties with a higher concentration of raw protein stood out: triticale Normann (16.3%), Lauricca barley (16.7%) and Reliable (16.1%), Iakov oats (16.4%). The content of nitrates in wheat without fertilizers was 23.3 mg/kg, in the grain of crops in terms of the action and aftereffect of the OPF ranged from 18.5-53.5, which is 6-16 times lower than the MAC for grain fodder (300 mg/kg), and in rapeseed oilseeds - 460 mg/kg at the MAC for mixed feed 500 mg/kg.

Key words: sod-podzolic soil, granifurage, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, nitrates, droppings.

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