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Bulletin of biotechnology

scientific journal

Micro-green beam extended during a rescue to a hydro ponish in a protected ground


M.Y. Karpukhin

Summary The work is devoted to the study of the varieties of the microgreen of beans during the forcing of hydroponon in the protected ground, the study of the morphobiological characteristics and the yield of the microwaves of the beans. In my work, I researched 5 varieties: Secunda, the Snow Queen, Three-Umf sugar, Violet, Allure. Productivity The highest yield was given by Phiolet variety, its average yield of microgreen with 1 m2 is about 13.2 kg. For comparison, the yield of the microgreen of other varieties was: Second - 3.5 kg, Snow Coro-lev - 7.9 kg, Triumph sugar (st) - 11.2 kg, Allure - 4.3 kg. Also, the purple variety has the best taste, and high germination.

Keywords: beans, microgreen, cultivation in containers, yield, seeds, hydroponics, varieties, sprouts.

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